07 June 2024


An Original Collection of Provocative and Powerful Essay's by R. B. STUART. Her Work Begins and Ends at the Crux of Truth, Sorrow and Humor---Capable of Slicing Through Your Psyche and Piercing Your Heart

Rest in Peace
Post Forty-Nine

To My Sweet Sister: 

Thank you for taking care of me as a baby. 
Thank you for sacrificing your childhood for us. 
Thank you for years worth of thoughtful momentos & gifts even if I was an ungrateful recipient!
I'm sorry that your life after Florida wasn't the most joyous, but who could have predicted.
I'm sorry that I couldn't have done more sooner.
And I'm sorry that most of your life was lived misunderstood.

I know you have Alex in your arms right now. 
That Karen has her arm around your waist telling you how beautiful you are. 
Mum is caressing your face with her hand. 
And Daddy has you on his lap.
I'm jealous you are with them already, but we'll join you soon.

Till then roll around in the warm sun, 
Tip toe across the clouds,
Sore with the wind,
And enjoy the freedom of lightness, and perfection.
While in the bosom of Heaven.

Love, Peace & Light  ---Always Rob xoxoxo

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