21 February 2023


An Original Collection of Provocative and Powerful Essay's by R. B. STUART. Her Work Begins and Ends at the Crux of Truth, Sorrow and Humor---Capable of Slicing Through Your Psyche and Piercing Your Heart

Post Forty-Six

Loneliness is a Human Experience. Our Human Bondage.

We were born to be social creatures.

Sometimes a spouse, a child or a pet only temporarily fills the void, serving as a distraction from the pain and suffering that aches deep within.

Some choose greed, money  possessions, permiscuous sex, drugs or alcohol to mask or numb the pain.

When one is alone for great periods of time, without distractions or influences, through those gaps loneliness enters.

It beckons in the still of the night, in the shadows of darkness. You'll know when she has quietly arrived

But, the only way out of loneliness is through the pain, sorrow and suffering. 

Challenging the frightening inner ghost of emotional and psychological turmoil will be the greatest Soul work one does in a lifetime. 

Ultimately loneliness is a Spiritual bankruptcy. The omnipresent emptiness one feels is brought upon by the longing and yearning for a deeper inner---not outer connection---living in a finite world. 

As we hold our hand to grasp a Divine relationship that fulfills our need of understanding, acceptance, unconditional love, joy and completion---we can then begin to feel Whole.